The House in Fata Morgana - 2024 Fanpoll results

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What does the Fatamoru fan community think about the characters? Have you had debates on who's the best? Who's the worst? Who you'd like to beat up? Wonder no more — behold the 2024 fanpoll! With stats, commentary, and selected quotes, the results are now here for your viewing pleasure.

Comments about characters that did not make it into the podiums and honorable mentions will be featured in video format.

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Be forewarned! Spoilers lie ahead!

Archival of Art

Art Reposting and Embedding

Send us your art directly through the e-mail option of The Billiards Room, or post your art under the hashtag #fatapoll2024 on Tumblr, Bluesky, or Twitter. We will only repost art sent to us directly or art that informs in its caption that we are allowed to repost, and will otherwise use embeds of the respective websites hashtags to be able to showcase art. If you would rather have your art reposted here for archival purposes (since we can't really trust social media websites for archival anymore, especially Twitter, please let us know!

We will repost #fatapoll2024 in the following profiles:

fatamorupoll2024 @ Tumblr

fatapoll2024 @ Twitter

fatamorupoll2024 @ Bluesky

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Poll by miraclekakera/golden-sneer

Web design by altimys

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